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[数量经济学研讨会]Testing Symmetry of a Nonparametric Conditional Distribution



报告题目:Testing Symmetry of a Nonparametric Conditional Distribution
报告人:宋晓军 博士

The article proposes tests of symmetry of conditional distributions around a nonparametric location function able to detect general nonparametric alternatives. The test is developed in a general serial dependence context, where innovations may exhibit an unknown higher order serial dependence structure. The test statistic is a functional of the joint empirical distribution of non-parametric residuals and explanatory variables, which can detect non-parametric alternatives converging to the null at the parametric rate root-n. Critical values are estimated with the assistance of bootstrap technique easy to implement, and the validity of the resulting test is formally justified under the regularity conditions. A Monte Carlo study examines the finite sample properties of the test. We also investigate whether losses are more likely than gains given the available information in stock markets using our testing approach.

宋晓军,北京大学光华管理学院商务统计与经济计量系助理教授,2014年毕业于马德里卡洛斯三世大学( Universidad Carlos Ⅲ de M Madrid )经济系,获经济学博士学位。他的主要研究领域为计量经济学理论,非参数与半参数方法,模型设定检验,自助方法,和时间序列分析等。

数量经济教研室 运筹学与数量经济研究所 新葡萄8883官网AMG 2014年10月
